There is one more thing that needs to be done on the remote machine. User leopard’s vnc password needs to be set. So, as user leopard give the command:
# vncpasswd
We are prompted for a password. This is the password that we will use when we connect to leopard’s vnc server instance. This password is in /home/leopard/.vnc/passwd.
Start the VNC server
After the initial configuration is done we restart the vnc service. As root:# service vncserver restart
To make VNC server to start on boot:
After the initial configuration is done we restart the vnc service. As root:# service vncserver restart
To make VNC server to start on boot:
# chkconfig vncserver on
More User Configuration
After the VNC service is started, some new files are created in /home/leopard/.vnc/ directory. These include leopard’s vnc server log file, pid file and an X startup script. As user leopard we edit the script in order to customize some settings. The default /home/leopard/.vnc/xstartup script contains some commands that are executed when the VNC server is started. These include:
xsetroot -solid grey
vncconfig -iconic &
xterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &
twm &
xsetroot in this case sets the background color.
vncconfig is a supplementary program that can be used to control the vnc server. Apart from this, when run without arguments it acts as a helper application and its main purpose is to provide support for clipboard transfers between the client (vncviewer) and the vnc server. xterm starts an xterm terminal. twm starts the X server’s default window manager. We probably want to change that to a more user friendly window manager, eg fluxbox.
xsetroot in this case sets the background color.
vncconfig is a supplementary program that can be used to control the vnc server. Apart from this, when run without arguments it acts as a helper application and its main purpose is to provide support for clipboard transfers between the client (vncviewer) and the vnc server. xterm starts an xterm terminal. twm starts the X server’s default window manager. We probably want to change that to a more user friendly window manager, eg fluxbox.
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